Today: 2025-Mar-31

TPH Tests for Soil, Water and Solid Surfaces: Cheiron Resources


Our Management Group



Carol Blakey

Founder and Leader - Carol is the public "face" of the company and provides the organization with its drive, its focus on excellence and its strategic direction. Carol's most defining quality is that she "loves to learn" which ensures the company remains both relevant and true to its values as we continue to grow.

Competencies/Experience -

Academic Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - (International Relations and English)


  • Marketing for international and domestic programs
  • Motivational Psychology
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Advertising and Promotional Planning
  • Customer Service Program Development
  • Negotiation/Mediation Strategies
Human Resources:
  • Behavioural Interviewing
  • Effective Leadership
  • Competitive Intelligence for International Markets

For several years served as President of the Exporter's & Importers Association of Alberta, guiding the group from a small local exporters meeting club to a nationally recognized association that was acknowledged for its forward thinking and creative strategic planning style.

Other passions:

Photography (Carol particularly loves "photo shooting" grizzly bears and local scenery - click on this link to see a couple of her shots!), learning Mandarin and getting out into the mountains for some "fresh air".



Production and Quality Control - Al is a results oriented professional with more than 25 years of experience in manufacturing equipment for international markets. He works closely with Carol to develop and test Cheiron's product line and improve the manufacturing process.

Competencies/Experience -

Academic Qualifications:

  • Ordinary National Certification
  • Mechanical Engineering, College of Technology, Hull, England
  • Manufacturing training seminars for AUTOCAD, PROCAD and Engineering Design Automation
  • ASME Section VIII DIV. 1 & DIV 2 Pressure Equipment Design.
  • ABSA Courses on CSA B51, ASME Code and European Community Pressure Equipment Directives for the export of pressure equipment to Europe.
  • Recruitment & selection courses
  • Developing effective performance evaluations
  • Employee motivational programs


Designed and taught a one year Piping Design Program at Southern Alberta Institute for Technical Training for 6 years. Formulated one year training programs and practicums for Chinese Engineers participating in an "Exchange of Technologies Project" funded by the World Bank. Spent 4 weeks at the LPMRI Institute, Lanzou, China in the capacity of "on-site" resource person to support implementation of a training program based on the ASME Sect. VIII, Div 1 Code.

Other Passions

Learning French, painting, cooking (we all love his Indian and Chinese meals!) and walking his dogs.



Soil Excavation Team






Experts in all aspects of soil excavation. Especially skilled with bones and rags.